Our editorial mission is to help webmasters prosper and grow. We do this by publishing relevant and engaging blogs, articles, guides and newsletters, all delivered electronically by experienced and talented contributors.
Write or Blog For Us
We’re looking for guest contributors to submit articles and posts to our site. Could this be you?
Authors looking for guest post opportunities are always welcome at our site to do multiple articles. Our guest bloggers include a broad range of writers with experience as blog or website owners, web developers or web designers, and freelance content writers.
Whether you have an idea for a stand-alone post or want to do a series, we want to hear from you.
We deliver the highest-quality content for our community. Our guidelines provide the necessary information for you to get started on your article.
What are we looking for?
We’re searching out experts in niches who get web design and development, and digital marketing; they have real-world business knowledge in the forms of relevant experience, insights, case studies, and best practices that they want to share with others.
If this is you, as well as significant experience and a strong background in the topics you want to write about, you must be able to communicate your ideas to our readers effectively.
Your articles should be 100% original and 100% enjoyable.
Here’s info about us that you need to know:
- 1. We’re looking for topics that include web design and development, freelancing, content marketing, social media, eCommerce, web hosting, SEO, WordPress, business, entrepreneurship, and other related subjects.
- 2. Our audience is made up of web designers and developers, online marketers, creative entrepreneurs, and freelancers looking to learn something new and improve their skills. We’re sorry, but we’ll just ignore your email if you pitch an idea that isn’t relevant to our audience. Like you, we’re crunched for time so we can’t reply to submissions that just run a vague idea by us and ask if we’re interested. Send us all the information you have to support your article proposal, and if you have a blog post, case study, or anything else online, give us the URL.
- 3. If you have more than one idea for an article, by all means, cover them all (with all the details that you have) in the same email. For a series of articles, explain how your story/how-to/argument, etc. builds from the first article through to the last.
- 4. Content Readability Score and Grade Level: your text should aim for a readability score between 60-70 and a grade level of around 8 to be read by the general public.
How to contact us
Don’t start writing your guest post until we let you know we like and approve your idea.
Please send your email to the Editor: info[at]aawebmasters[dot]com. Put GUEST POST at the beginning of the subject line.
- Tell us about yourself briefly.
- Give the title of your guest post idea.
- Use bullet point form to outline the topic.
- Give 1 or 2 links to other AWA articles that you will use in your post to support your points or to add information.
- Describe how AWA readers would find your article useful.
- Link to a couple of your best posts or articles.
The process
Once we’ve accepted your guest post proposal, and you’ve written it, please create your post on Google drive as a Google doc. The address to share the post with is editor[at]aawebmasters[dot]com.
We’ll lightly edit the post and may ask for some changes – it’s just part of the writing process, and we want your article to be as successful as it can be. The editor may ask for changes in clarity, punctuation, grammar, etc.
Your post must:
- Have a killer title.
- Have an introduction that hooks people’s interest immediately and pulls the reader in to read further.
- Be formatted so that it’s easy to read: use headings, subheadings, bold font for key sentences, and bulleted lists.
- Have a conclusion, but don’t go over all the points in the article again.
- Have a call to action for readers at the end.
- Be 700 – 1200 words long.
- Be written in our style of writing; check out other posts and articles on our website as examples.
- Give links to 2 or more articles or posts already published on the AWA site.
- Up to one link to your site is allowed in each post where relevant.
- Proofread your post carefully; we expect no spelling or punctuation errors.
- Please send any images as attachments, and mark in the text where they should be placed.
- Be prepared to make changes according to our comments.
- Use tags.
- Include any affiliate links.
Thanks in advance for your interest in writing a guest post for us. We look forward to hearing your ideas soon!
Note: We retain the copyright of all material published on AAWebmasters.com. A guest writer cannot publish their guest post elsewhere; it remains exclusive to AWA. But you are welcome to link to it!