It is important for you to understand the limits and benefits of using a particular hosting plan. The information below will provide a clear guide on the most common plans web host has to offer. Besides, you may proceed to the detailed web-hosting guide for a full explanation.
Shared Linux Hosting is the most common hosting option used by eCommerce websites. Users have the option to rent space on large servers that run on the Linux OS. The downside is that other resources such as RAM and processor power are all shared.
This situation can be compared to renting an apartment. All resources such as piping are all shared. Besides, tenants have limited access to the core processes of the building. Almost all websites today run on these type of Linux servers.
Common Types of Web Hosting
There are five basic categories of hosting plans currently available to consumers: VPS, Cloud, Dedicated, Reseller, and Shared.
Shared Hosting
This is usually sufficient for most personal websites and small businesses. It is often preferred due to its affordability because the website shares all the server resources with other websites.
This results in one enjoying the benefits of a well-managed web server. Besides, you only pay a small percentage of the amount of the total charges since cost is shared.
Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
This is the best type of hosting option for medium sized businesses that no longer fit in the shared hosting option. It offers users more capabilities and options. Besides, the costs remain lower as compared to dedicated server hosting.
The VPS is the best choice for companies that need more security through increased flexibility while keeping costs low.
Dedicated Server Hosting
If a business has unique needs, which needs a lot of processing power, dedicated web hosting is the best solution. It offers uninterrupted access to the server. This option works well for businesses that use complex applications that need enormous amounts of resources to run. It provides the highest level of security and flexibility possible in web hosting.
If you have little or technical expertise in running servers for high efficiency in business, you should consider managed web hosting. It also ensures that you have more time to grow other aspects of the business.
Managed Hosting
Managed Web Hosting will involve paying someone to management you server to ensure that the business website runs efficiently. In the past, this option was only available for dedicated hosting. However, it has since spread to other hosting options such as VPS and cloud hosting.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud: It is the best options for guaranteeing consistent uptime and being expand to grow without being constrained by lack of space. This type of hosting offers users several servers from which you can run you site. The result is that downtime becomes less of an issue due to the vast number of servers available.
There is also an increased level of privacy and security as each client runs their resource. For better security and efficiency, VPS and Cloud hosting are at times combined, known as Scalable VPS or Cloud VPS.
Reseller Hosting
Reseller Hosting is available for those who want to engage in retailing web hosting. You buy server space in vast quantities and resell it to smaller websites. The advantage is that the owner of the servers does network maintenance.
If you decide to venture into this type of business, then you should be aware that offering technical support to clients would be your responsibility.
Popular Website Specialties
WordPress Hosting
WordPress Hosting was launched in the year 2003 with a focus on blogging. Today, it powers about a fifth of all websites available on the internet. WordPress is especially useful in content management. It will be a good idea to use a WordPress-optimized service if you plan to run WordPress. This will mean you do not waste a lot of time trying to configure the website to fit into the hosting service. It will also free up more time for you to build your site.
eCommerce Hosting
eCommerce Hosting: Its main difference with other types of web hosting is that it’s optimized for conducting online transactions. These features would have to be purchased separately in a typical web hosting service. Also, configuring the site will take much longer if it’s not optimized for e-commerce. Some of these unique features are shopping cart, payment processing, database support, SSL and other security compliance needments.
Drupal Hosting
Drupal Hosting: To build a successful Drupal site, you will need this type of hosting service. Drupal is a powerful open-source system for content management. Blogs, web portals, corporate site and e-commerce make use of this type of hosting. In fact, about 2.1% of all sites on the internet are powered by Drupal.
Joomla Hosting
Joomla Hosting: A content management system is also a framework for web design. It is quite popular with companies that work with massive and complex amounts of data. The Joomla platform is popular among Web and application developers. There are hosting options, which are designed specifically for use with Joomla available.
Free Hosting
Free Hosting: This option is available from some Internet Service Providers. Besides, it is best used for personal sites that have little traffic. The support offered is minimal, and the options available to users are limited. Commercial websites should never consider using this option.
Which One Should I Choose: VPS, Shared or Dedicated?
For those that are just starting out, shared hosting is the best option. This option simply means sharing server space with other websites. The best part about this is that one does not need to have any technical skills.
The Dedicated server option is the most flexible and secure of all hosting options. The option also offers the most flexible service because it allows site owners to have root access.
However, one does need a bit of technical expertise, and it will cost more. VPS hosting is the best compromise between shared and dedicated server options. It allows for a higher degree of flexibility and security than the shared option. The advantage of this is that one does need to have advanced technical skills in web hosting.
Choosing Between Linux and Windows
This is another important decision you need to make when deciding on which web hosting option to use.
Linux Hosting
This the most widely used OS in web servers around the world. This OS is a favorite choice for most application and web developers. The Linux-based servers can handle standard applications (PHP + MySQL) and programming languages. Linux is the standard used by most people in the industry.
Windows Hosting
The Microsoft Corporation develops the platform – best option for people who want to be able to handle Windows-based applications, programming languages (ASP.NET, MS SQL, and SilverLight) and databases. However, Windows-based web hosting is on average more expensive than Linux-based hosting. It is important to note that one does not need a Windows host even if they run Windows on their computer.
Do You Need to Pay for Web Hosting?
Initial costs for setting up a website can be a bit high at times. As a result, most beginners are usually confused as to what is important. One should carefully examine both indirect and direct costs of setting up a website.
If you chose free web hosting, you are likely to give your visitors a bad experience because the ISP recovers their costs through unrelenting advertising. Also, the loading time is likely to be of lower quality.
Consequently, any money you initially save through free hosting will be lost in terms of more moderate hits.